Balham London |Crystal Afro’s 30th Birthday Party

I have always said I love doing weddings, but I must admit I have a serious soft spot for birthday parties, now I’m not talking about those gloried drink ups where everyone quietly stands by the wall and has some food and drink. I’m talking about a proper party where people come to celebrate and makes no excuses to have a good time!!!

Well Crystal’s 30th birthday party, in Balham London, was definitely the latter, lots of dancing, smiling, happy people makes the perfect environment for a photographer, and while I know I was there in a work capacity I would be lying if I didn’t admit I had a good time, I mean who wouldn’t?

Well here a small selection of pictures from the night, I won’t waste time saying I hope Crystal had a good time as judging from the size of her smile in almost every single picture I took of her, she had a blast!!!!


Happy Birthday.