Tip 3 for fitting into your wedding dress

London Photographer Wedding Dress
Ok so everyone has pledged to support you in your quest and you have committed to your plan. You are ready to kick off your plan of attack. But we want to make sure you get the most from the available time. Read on for the third tip in the series to ensure you are maximising your time.

Tip 3 of 10 – It’s not about the time you have, it’s what you do with it!


You absolutely need to get the most out of the time you have available. If you only have 20 minutes to spare you need to roll with that and make it work!

Look at it this way 20 minutes a day three times a week works out to just over 3000 minutes/50 hours of exercise per year which is not to be sniffed at and is 100 times better than nothing!

Just keep that dress in the centre of your mind and that should spur you on!

Ok so in these 20 minutes you will need to put in the work, I don’t suggest that your prance around for that time if you want to see any improvements. I am talking regular short bursts of high energy, snappy, high octane activity, think skipping, running, aerobics, Spin, Step etc.

Exercising in this manner gets your body used to your frequent energy demands and with time your body will respond by increasing the efficiency of your lungs and heart, toning muscles and burning body fat.

Be sure to warm up and cool down, but in-between, you need to go hard! Level 8 or 9 out of 10 in order to make best use of your time & see results.

Missed the first two tips? Check them our here
